Woody Allen

I’ve never been a huge fan of Woody Allen movies. Probably the one I like best is Radio Days, where he really didn’t appear, but it was nominated for best original screenplay. There is a huge wave of sentiment on the internet these days about allegations that he may have molested his 8-year old daughter.… Continue reading Woody Allen

Phillip Seymour Hoffman

I never understood why famous rich people are so insecure that they find a way to kill themselves. Be it a drug overdose or drinking themselves to death, these people had it made. First of all, they won the sperm lottery and were born with some sort of gift that they found a way to… Continue reading Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Unionizing the Service Sector

Throughout much of the later 19th and early to mid twentieth century, many, if not most, blue-collar jobs in America were unionized. Unions became popular, particularly in industrial jobs, with large memberships of average working-class men and women who had previously suffered poor working conditions or unfair wages. Unions not only changed the working environments… Continue reading Unionizing the Service Sector

The Arrogance of Youth

I don’t remember being arrogant when I was young, at least not purposefully, but I’m sure that somewhere around you’ll find one of my elders who will tell you that when I was a young person, there were things about which I was arrogant. I think it is just part of being young and dumb.… Continue reading The Arrogance of Youth


We’ve all heard of the creepy NSA surveillance done by the U.S. government, which gathers electronic bits by the bucket load, apparently without any legal standing. We should all be absolutely furious at our government, and we should make our displeasure known at the ballot box. It’s not likely that will happen of course, we… Continue reading Camover

It’s still 1954 in America

Over on my partner’s blog, Indianaohindiana.com I had written a response to his post about the results of the George Zimmerman trial.  We disagree, and I think the root cause of that disagreement is the wide gap in our understanding of American culture. I was raised in the deep south, and although my mother’s father… Continue reading It’s still 1954 in America

Orson Scott Card

I don’t read books as much as I used too. Before computers and video games and cable television, I could easily go through three or four good novels a week. I was a regular fixture at whatever local library was nearest, because I certainly couldn’t afford to buy that many new books. Although, looking at… Continue reading Orson Scott Card

Terms and Conditions Apply

I stole this from Mark, but it perfectly sums up my feeling about the Christian faith, especially as practiced in America.