I’m not sure what to make of the recent spat over an elderly southern ladies admission that in the past she may have used a racial epithet, or may have wanted to have a wedding reception attended by elderly gentlemen wearing sparkling white coats. Paula Deen has been a fairly popular Food Channel personality, as… Continue reading Food Fight!
Author: Jim Richardson
Stop The Presses! I agree with Glenn Beck!
Anyone who knows me at all knows that I generally detest Glenn Beck. He, and pretty much all the other AM radio right-wing pundits are all crocks. Until I read this article. Actually, I didn’t actually go to a Glenn Beck site just to read an article. I knew he had a website, even a… Continue reading Stop The Presses! I agree with Glenn Beck!
When the police are corrupt
When I was a child in school, one of the classes we were required to take was called “Social Studies”. I’m not sure it is among the few classes still taught in our diminishing educational system, but in my day it was where we learned how our government worked. One of the things we were… Continue reading When the police are corrupt
Guns and stuff
When I was a kid, I was always aware of guns. It was the south, the 60’s, and most people I knew had a gun, or several. My grandfather wore a pistol in a shoulder holster. My older brother used to take me and my younger brother out shooting. My great-grandmother had a .22 rifle… Continue reading Guns and stuff
Oh! For Crying Out Loud …
..you’d think that the world has come to a sudden, shattering halt. At least, if you were a Mitt Romney and/or supporter of the Republican party. And, from a sampling of facebook posts, it appears your average Republican isn’t terribly well informed either – must be from those years of watching Fox news. President Obama, as… Continue reading Oh! For Crying Out Loud …
I don’t know how I’ve become so political in the last couple of elections. When I was younger, I rarely paid attention to the details. I voted, usually, but would often just tick off the names I recognized, without really paying any attention to what they may have said or what their goals were. For… Continue reading Argh!
Patriotically Incorrect
On the eve of our nation’s 237th birthday, it is likely that we are going to hear time and time again from many sources how great our country is, and how we are the best country on the planet. We all grew up being taught that the United States of America is the best country… Continue reading Patriotically Incorrect
The Health Care Act
Like millions of working Americans across the country, and millions more Americans who are covered under existing Medicare and Medicaid care, the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has absolutely no impact whatsoever. I’m covered by my employers health care plan, and millions of Americans are covered by Medicare or Medicaid. What the ACA… Continue reading The Health Care Act
What scares me about todays Republican Party
Let’s face it. I’ve been on the planet nearly 60 years. There was a Republican in office when I was born, and I’ve lived through the administrations of Nixon, Reagan and both Bush’s. I grew up in South Florida, which was heavily Democratic, then went heavily Republican and pretty much stayed there until the year… Continue reading What scares me about todays Republican Party
Yesterday, June 6th, was D-Day. I would bet if you were to ask most people under 25 today what D-Day meant, you’d get a blank stare, or perhaps some mention of a dance club DJ. I was born 10 years and 3 months after the official end of World War II. By the time I… Continue reading D-Day
Just because everyone says it, doesn’t make it true
Salt. I love salt. I salt my pizza. I salt my tuna. I bath my french fries in salt. Give me a platter of thin, crisply fried sweet potato chips and some garlic salt. Salty fried eggplant. Ummmm. Salt. On cooking competition shows that we watch, I point out to my partner that contestants are… Continue reading Just because everyone says it, doesn’t make it true
The death of local news
Despite my protestations the other day about all the negatives in news, I do still peruse a regular run of news sites around the web. My favorites are of course the aggregation of news on the Google news site, and the Huffington Post. I was a little disappointed today when I browsed to 9news.com, the website… Continue reading The death of local news