…would it really be all that bad for Gays, Lesbians, Women and the liberal young America as people are thinking?
Rick Santorum thinks that:
- Abortion should be outlawed even in cases of rape and incest
- Capital Gains taxes should be locked in, and in some cases corporate income tax eliminated
- A lot of regulations enacted under Obama should be repealed
- Social Security should be privatized
- The U.S. should stay in Afghanistan
- Guantanamo should stay open and that torture is OK
- We are already at war with Iran, and direct attacks should be on the table
- Energy subsidies should be eliminated and that we should drill in Alaska
- We should finish the “big fence” between the US and Mexico and we should enact mass deportations
- Same-Sex marriage should be outlawed across the land
- the Obama Health Care plan should be suspended as soon as he is elected
- School Vouchers are just peachy
- a trade war with China should be avoided and business taxes should be lowered so we can compete
- Government bailouts of private companies are bad
As a gay man, I’m not all that politicized about the gay marriage thing. Having been married twice the “regular” way, I’m not convinced that marriage is all that special. Today’s divorce rates confirm that most people fail at marriage miserably, but if two guys or two girls want to give it a whirl, then by all means. I don’t think the government should stand in their way.
While we’re on that subject though, I think that we should eliminate all the tax benefits that we give married people. What benefit does it serve society as a whole anyway?
What does concern me though is that the man is clearly a war-mongoring (bomb Iran), anti-humanist (torture is OK ), anti-woman (no abortion for you), pro-business (no corporate taxes), help the wealthy 1% (keep capital gains taxes low) kind of guy.
The only thing I find myself agreeing with Santorum on is that we should eliminate energy subsidies and drill where we can, and that bailing out private companies with public money is bad. There isn’t a single social issue where his stance is even tolerable to me.
I don’t have political discussions with my relatives because it could easily lead to, at the very least, some hurt feelings, or at the other end of the spectrum, actual bloodshed. But, since some of my family fall squarely in the middle of what you would think of if someone asked you to visualize a “redneck” I am also quite sure that some of them are going to vote for Santorum because he appeals to their “Christian Values”.
I’m not sure how “christian” it is to espouse that torturing the holy bejeezus out of someone is OK for any reason, but I certainly don’t want to wade into a religious discussion AND a political discussion at the same time. That is a sure fired way to make everybody mad instead of just half of ’em.
Anyway, what few gay people I happen to know (Ok, I live way out in the suburbs..not too many of us out here, ya know?) have expressed some concern that if by some lucky long shot should Santorum actually become President, that life for the GLBT community might become a little more difficult.
My opinion is that should Santorum actually become President, life for any heterosexual, christian, white, anglo-saxon citizen of the United States who makes less than $250,000 a year will become a living hell. If you happen to be a resident who doesn’t fit that description, it will be even worse and you should contemplate moving someplace else in a hurry.
I’m unhappy with Mr. Obama too, he’s made some bone-headed moves of his own. Government is way too big and intrusive and we really do need to do something about the national debt and our crumbling infrastructure. I just don’t think Mr. Santorum is the guy for the job, and I’m hoping that most of the rest of the country feels the same way.
I’m much more upset with Congress in general, as should we all be. I don’t think it really matters who is actually President when we have a crew of two-year olds throwing hissy fits (The Senate) and a gaggle of three-year olds having temper tantrums (The House) running the government. Every single one of us should be up in arms and on the phone with our Senators and Congressmen and asking them to just do their freaking jobs.
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