Most people I know have spent the last year or so, isolated from many friends and most family, and watching in horror as the United States of America slowly melts into brown colored pile of sludge beneath one of Donald Trump’s feet. Four years ago, many of us were shouting warnings at the top of our lungs that this would happen. Some of us no longer speak to old friends or family members because of Donald Trump and the style of politics he now heads in triumph.
If you recall, four years ago and again in the months leading up to this past November, the only story on social media was political. There was no middle, and you were not allowed to not pick a side.

Over the past four years I’ve watched Mr. Trump destroy nearly everything that has made the United States shine as a better place in the world. Yet, even now, as I write this there are scary stories in the news about meetings in the White House where things like “martial law” were openly discussed.
Sidebar stories show up with headlines such as “White House Staff Scared….”. I am beginning to dream at night of a dystopian and dark future, a scenario where Phillip K. Dick and his Man In The High Castle wasn’t just a story. Why can’t we see Donald Trump for the scheming evil fool that he really is underneath that bouffant hair? How can so many otherwise reasonable people really believe that Donald Trump is the person we want driving our country into the future? Our Emperor Has No Clothes was a story by Hans Christian Anderson, often included in books of short stories for children. Mr. Trump has cared nothing for the country, his only goal is to appear as pompous and important as possible. To wear the finest cloth, to be fawned over as much as possible. He has pleaded to the courts that he received 75 million votes, the most of any President ever! without mentioning that