It seems to me that we’ve become so politicized over the past 10 years that the two major political parties have not really had anyone sit down and spell out in detail what differences there are and why they matter so much. It reminds of the 1950’s gangs. I must confess that I’ve also fallen… Continue reading Dem’s vs. Rep’s
Vociferous Rhapsody
Transgender Rights
I think that I am uniquely qualified to offer up my opinion on Transgender rights and how I feel about them. I understand most people are uncomfortable with the entire concept, and even a lot of us who are “openly gay” struggle with how we feel about transgender rights and how they have become “attached”… Continue reading Transgender Rights
Republicans vs. Democrats
Most reasonable people are simply tired of politics. In 2023, politics is a sure fire way to have the dinner dishes bounced off the wall and long time friends no longer speaking. I have a difficult time understanding what today’s Republicans actually want to happen. As I understand it, if you are a Republican today,… Continue reading Republicans vs. Democrats
Dear Harry the Spare
You and Will were such cute kids, and of course the world followed your every milestone. Most of the rest of us likely have no idea what it is like to be you, but I’d like to mention a few things I’ve observed, particularly in the past few years. You are a spoiled ultra-rich brat… Continue reading Dear Harry the Spare
An Open Letter to todays LGBTQxxxxx youth
Dear Fellow Marginalized Citizen: When I was born in the mid 1950’s, being discovered as a “queer” or a “fairy” was pretty devastating. You lost your job, your family, your friends, usually your place to live, and your definition of “bad” suddenly became redefined to mean something you never even imagined could happen to you.… Continue reading An Open Letter to todays LGBTQxxxxx youth
Brittney Griner – what to do?
Brittney Griner is a US Olympic Sports star, who I would think with her world travel experience would be familar with some hang-ups that other countries might have when a traveler arrives in possession of illegal substances. I mean, yeah, I feel sorry for her, her friends and her family, but I am wondering why… Continue reading Brittney Griner – what to do?
Do we really need States anymore?
The 10th amendment to the Constitution states that any power not delegated to the Federal Government by the constitution, or any power not prohibited to the states by the Constitution, be reserved to the states, or to the people. That’s slightly paraphrased, but it is a simply one sentence that has been debated ad-nauseum since… Continue reading Do we really need States anymore?
Life or Death
If you live in South Florida, the nightly news is spending a lot of time on the penalty phase trial for Nikolas Cruz. Jury selection is ongoing, and is expected to last another full month, and the trial, once underway is expected to last as long as six months. Apparently, here in Florida, we want… Continue reading Life or Death
My Partner’s Dog Dudley
I often thought that my relationship with my partner’s dog was that we mostly considered each other a nuisance that the person we most cared about forced us to deal with, completely against our joint wills. When John and I met in 2007, he had a West Highland White Terrier named Cody. Cody was already… Continue reading My Partner’s Dog Dudley
Afghanistan = Vietnam
In my day, it was Vietnam. I joined the Navy in January of 1973, six months before my high school graduation, so that I wouldn’t be drafted into the Army or the Marines. Little did I know of course that the draft would be ending, but it was also one of the few ways for… Continue reading Afghanistan = Vietnam
Free Rent?
The whole subject of paying rent has become more of an emotional issue this past 18 months than would would think about something so basic to human existence, at least in America. For at least my life on earth, I’ve pretty much taking housing for granted. Not that it was all that easy sometimes I… Continue reading Free Rent?
Why is the right so obsessed with immigration?
A constant rumble of dismay about immigrants has been unabated for the past decade in this country, fueled by right wing politicians and our thug of an ex-President who claim in 72 point type that illegal immigrants steal our jobs, wreck our economy, subvert our American values and destroy the American Way Of Life. When… Continue reading Why is the right so obsessed with immigration?